Donetsk, Jul 19 — DAN. Western reporters in Russia have to team up to make their work more effective, said war correspondent Christelle Neant, at a session of the “Russia — Land of Opportunity” autonomous non-profit organization chaired by President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday.

 “Almost all western reporters who tell the truth despite risks and threats are independent freelancing journalists, ” Neant said on a video received by the Donetsk News Agency. “I saw that it was not the most effective option; I’ve long thought that those western journalist have to get together as one team for the sake of greater efficiency.”

She said that she began to promote this idea last year; it was supported by the “New Media Workshop” project and “Russia — Land of Opportunity” representatives.

Кристель Нэан в Мариуполе во время боев за город. ФОТО: ДОНЕЦКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО НОВОСТЕЙ

“If you support this project, we’ll continue to work with the ‘New Media Workshop’ and ‘Russia — Land of Opportunity’ guys towards pooling these journalists into one team, ” Neant told Putin.

“Christelle, <…> of more than eight billion people on the planet, such persons like you are rarely met. The persons who can withdraw from their routine comfortable environment, being guided by their inner convictions, exposing themselves to danger, working and living and vindicating the rightfulness of their convictions by their life. Still, it’s a rare case. Of course, I wish you all success. We’ll do our best to support your project. You said that we were telling the truth all the time. Perhaps, it is the sharpest weapon against lies and the propaganda permeated with these lies, ” Putin said.

French national Christelle Neant has been covering Donbass events since the beginning of the conflict. Initially she arrived in the Republic as a western journalist to highlight events in different parts of the frontline and record the aftermath of Kiev artillery strikes. Later on, Neant decided to stay in the DPR. She lives there up to date, making reports on the military situation mostly for western audiences.*jk