Donetsk, Oct 27 - DAN. Donetsk People’s Republic authorities plan to check the validity of documents issued in Ukraine to persons as they were released from Ukrainian captivity, DPR ombudswoman, the Republic’s representative in the humanitarian subgroup Darya Morozova said on Tuesday.
“The ambivalence of the position taken by Ukraine which cares more about political points to please its citizens by making another loud statement on a new prisoner exchange rather than wishing to fulfil its commitments, makes us carefully check even the most insignificant points in preparing the next exchanges,” Morozova said. “For example, we plan to recheck if all the documents issued to former detainees are legal and valid in Ukraine.”
At the humanitarian subgroup meeting earlier in the day, the Kiev representatives took a destructive position on dropping charges against the citizens handed over to Donetsk during the prisoner swaps in 2019 and 2020. A delay in the process interferes with the start of preparations for the next prisoner exchange, she said.
Ukraine and the Donbass Republics last exchanged prisoners on April 16, 2020. Donetsk handed over nine people to Kiev and got ten. The DPR dropped charges against all the persons handed over to Ukraine. The latter has not met the same commitment.*jk