Donetsk, Jul 20 – DAN. The presence of foreign mercenaries in Donbass disparages Kiev's peaceful rhetoric, DPR Head Denis Pushilin said.

Ukrainian saboteur squad unsuccessfully attempted to infiltrate the DPR on July 13, but entered a minefield. At least three were killed in mine explosions. The bodies were handed over to Ukraine. One of  them turned out to be an Estonia national. NATO equipment was retrieved at the site.

"Instead of implementing the Minsk Agreements peacefully and in a civilized manner, Ukrainian authorities prefer escalation by means attracting foreign mercenaries," Pushilin said.

He said that Zelensky failed to prove himself as "a president of peace" he promised to be to win the election.

"During his presidency we have seen nothing but increasingly frequent shelling, hardening the blockade, destruction, infringement of rights and total lack of willingness to restore peace in Donbass," Pushilin said."*ot