Donetsk, Apr 5 – DAN. The Coordinator of the Humanitarian working group Ambassador Toni Frisch has held a meeting with the management of one of the Donetsk detention centers where Ukrainian service members are being held, DAN correspondent says.

Acting head of the facility Alexey Mazchenko and DPR Ombudswoman Daria Morozova were also present.

"We are grateful for the opportunity to visit the remand center, we are going to talk to some of the remanded. We have met some of them, and will meet some for the first time," Frisch said.

He said the OSCE mission is documenting the living conditions of the POWs. "It is important that we talk confidentially to the detained people on both sides of the contact line."

Mazchenko said that decent living conditions are provided for all Ukrainian service members. "They are here in the same conditions as all the others. Clothes are arranged seasonally, three meals a day, cleaning, daily walks. All the requirements are met." *ot