Donetsk, May 1 — DAN. Youth and student organizations in Mariupol have cleaned up city areas and covered up Ukrainian symbols in the course of the May 1 ecology action, the Donetsk branch of “the Russian Student Teams” told the Donetsk News Agency.
“We’ve cleaned up Lukomorye children’s square and the Primorsky Park (where the emblems of ‘Azov’ battalion (banned in the Russian Federation — eds Donetsk News Agency) was replaced with Russian tricolors, ” the Donetsk branch press service said. “Another (Azov) emblem was covered up near School No 57 in Fevralskaya Street.”
The cleanup, as part of an all-Russia action was timed with Spring and Labor Day and involved students from Donetsk higher eduction centers and Kuindzhi State University and Azov State University of Technology in Mariupol.
Members of the Young Guard — Young Army military patriotic movement who joined the action helped to clean up city pedestrian zones, memorials and premises of Labor Glory monuments. *jk