Donetsk, Sep 28 — DAN. Ukrainian forces fired almost 120 rounds at the DPR on Wednesday. DAN presents its evening news summary. 

Here are the key events so far on Wednesday, September 28.

Kiev forces targeted Donetsk, Kashtanovoye, Mineralnoye, Yakovlevka, Yasinovataya, Golmovskiy, Zaitsevo; 262 transformer substations have been cut off the grid, leaving 30,706 household customers without power.

There were no victims or casualties.

Russian and DPR armed forces destroyed 7 tanks, 10 armoured personnel carries, three UAVs, 8 vehicles. Up to 70 militants were liquidated.

The liberation of the DPR after the Republic joins the Russian Federation will enter a new stage, the Head of the DPR Denis Pushilin told journalists today.


The Central Election Commission registered no violations during the plebiscite. 

The DPR Head Denis Pushilin left for Moscow to bring in the final voting protocols of the referendum.
The LPR Head Leonid Pasechnik has addressed Russian leader Vladimir Putin asking to consider LPR joining Russia following the referendum on the matter.

Other news

Hiring is set to begin at the liberated  Uglegorsk and Mironovskaya thermal power plants on October 1.

Donbass Post will dedicate an extraordinary issue of s stamp to Mariupol. The start of sales is scheduled for 1 p.m. on September 29. Pre-order is available via the official website for the price 32 roubles, the design of the stamp has not been made public.

DPR enterprises can take part in the construction of the Chelyabinsk metro.

The Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant intends to manufacture components in the DPR.  *ot