Donetsk, Oct 5 – DAN. Anti-COVID measures should be tightened, said DPR Head Denis Pushilin.
"Unfortunately, even the increase in COVID-19 does not convince many to wear masks, maintain social distance in public places, and this is very bad," he wrote in his Telegram-channel.
"In this regard, it will be necessary to strengthen control over the observance of anti-epidemic measures. It is very important for us to strike a balance: restrictions must ensure safety and at the same time preserve the economy functioning. "
The DPR leader added that the current COVID-19 situation in the Republic prompts wearing masks, maintaining distance and disinfecting hands.
“How disciplined each of us will be in observing the preventive measures also influences the harshness of measures we will have to adopt to curb the spread of the coronavirus,” Pushilin emphasized.*ot