Donetsk, Jul 15 – DAN. The DPR Head Denis Pushilin has held a meeting to discuss security issues as Ukraine has activated its saboteur and reconnaissance missions.

“The situation along the contact line, unfortunately, does not give any grounds to think that the Ukraine’s position concerning peace initiatives has undergone significant change,” Pushilin said in his speech as quoted at his website.

“On the contrary, the enemy’s activation is reported all along the contact line, shelling has become routine, special services have activated their missions. The latter especially worries me, as the majority of the Republican residents live peaceful lives, and consider limitations justified by military necessity to be inconveniences and excessive precautionary measures.”

The representatives of authorities and the law enforcement presented their reports on security situation, measures to provide security and prevent crimes in the sphere of state security in the context of enemy’s intensified saboteur and reconnaissance missions.

The reports said that preventive discussions are held with the DPR residents, authorities carry out monitoring visits to frontline areas on a daily basis, people are provided with food and personal hygiene products. In Dokuchayevsk, attack siren system has been installed to alarm population in case of Ukrainian attack.

“The conclusion on the necessity to intensify efforts of the law enforcement in the context of withstanding the attempts of Ukrainian special services to destabilize internal situation in the DPR was logical. … It is important to provide high level of coordination of the People’s Militia, Ministry of State Security, Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the Prosecutor General’s Office. I believe that the key to success is maintaining the citizens’ trust as law enforcement focuses on their protection,” Pushilin said.

He added that due to summer holidays season and intensification of migration, additional operational and preventive measures were necessary to curb Ukrainian operations and to detect people engaged in crimes against foundations of the constitutional order of the state and to maintain public order and security. *ot