Donetsk, Jul 19 — DAN. Russian servicemen have taken extra security measures for civilian car traffic along the land corridor to Crimea, Donetsk People’s Republic Acting Head Denis Pushilin said on Wednesday.

 “Our services are taking additional measures to ensure high-level comfort and security on this route, ” Pushilin told the Russia 24 news channel.

Some 13,500 cars massed on the DPR administrative border last night but it was possible to reduce the queue considerably thanks to the redistribution of traffic flow, he said.

The situation normalized by the morning. A fast track border crossing procedure was introduced amid tighter security measures; and volunteers joined to help when the queue was in the active phase providing water, food and medical advice, the regional leader said.

Park-and-ride lots were used on instruction of First Deputy Chief of the Presidential Office Sergei Kiriyenko.

Transit conditions are rather good. The work is ongoing on further outreach through sms and hotline. The purpose is to ensure quite comfortable travel along the land corridor for the time of bridge repairs, ” Pushilin said.

Traffic along the Crimean Bridge was suspended following Ukrainian surface drone attack overnight to Monday, in which part of the structure was damaged.  Despite the launching of reversible lanes on the bridge, the main flow is oriented via the new regions. It is the only land corridor to the peninsula.*jk