Donetsk, Sep 19 — DAN. The South District Military Court in Rostov-on-Don has begun to hear a criminal case over assassination of the first Donetsk People’s Republic Head Alexander Zakharchenko, the newspaper Argumenty i Fakty reported on Tuesday.

The four suspects convoyed to the court building are Alexander Pogorelov, Vasily Churilov, Alexander Timoshenko and Artyom Yen.  They were charged with participation in a terrorist group, espionage, terrorist attack and illegal keeping of explosives.

Alexander Zakharchenko was born in Donetsk on June 26, 1976. After leaving school, he enrolled at the Donetsk Industrial Automation College. He had an excellent academic record and acquired the profession of mine electrical engineer. He worked for a mining company, and later on started a business. He came out against the illegitimate Kiev authorities after the 2014 government overthrow. Zakharchenko took part in the Donbass conflict as a DPR militia unit commander. He was wounded several times. He held the rank of Major General.  He received the Golden Star of Hero of the Republic and other decorations.

On August 8, 2014 Zakharchenko was appointed Chairman of the Council of Ministers by the DPR Supreme Council. On November 2, 2014, he was elected head of the Republic winning more than 75 percent of votes.   He was killed in an explosion in central Donetsk on August 31, 2018.*jk