Donetsk, Feb 11 - DAN. Students in higher education and vocational training in the Donetsk People’s Republic will study online from February 11 till February 21 as the authorities take measures to contain the spread of COVID-19.

DPR Ministry of Education and Science Instruction No 128 orders to arrange e-teaching for students of all modes of study. Orphans and children without parental care will stay on at these education centers. Instruction No 129 orders online study for students in vocational training. They will have onsite internship while observing all sanitary and epidemiological norms.

Earlier, first-year pupils went on holiday break from February 3 to February 16. Students in 2nd through 11th forms will study online during this period.

Starting February 10, the Republic enforced extra measures to fight the spread of the coronavirus infection. Visitors to culture and sport centers and public catering outlets are required to produce a vaccination or recovery certificate. *jk