Donetsk, Jun 28 – DAN. DPR and LPR representatives have handed over to Ukraine four POWs as a gesture of good will, TASS News Agency reported.

"DPR and LPR have handed four Ukrainian captives over to the leader of the Opposition Platform — For life Viktor Medvedchuk. The ceremony took place at the Minsk airport," the agency said.

The released were identified as Dmitry Veliky, 31 sentenced to 15 years in prison for terrorism by a DPR court, Yakov Veremeichik, 33, accused of genocide and use of prohibited warfare methods, Eduard Mikheyev, 59, sentenced to 12 years for high treason and Maxim Goryainov, 35, sentenced to 15 years for abetting terrorism.

"LPR and DPR representatives handed me the documents confirming the (POWs) release and (their) Ukrainian passports. The released are to fly to Kiev shortly," Medvedchuk said.

The DPR and LPR Heads Denis Pushilin and Leonid Pasechnik met Medvedchuk in Minsk on Thursday and agreed to release the four POWs as a gesture of good will. Pushilin said he hoped that this move shall bring positive results at the talks. *ot