Donetsk, Jan 24 - DAN. Donetsk People’s Republic Head Denis Pushilin declared 2019 as the “the Year of the Russian Language in the Republic. The relevant decree was published on the Head of State website.

“To preserve and promote the Russian language as a key element of the Donetsk People’s Republic culture, I order to declare 2019 as the Year of the Russian language in the DPR,” according to the document.

The decree became effective on the date of signing on January 23. It named the members of the Organising Committee tasked with arranging a programme of events for the Year of the Russian Language. The Committee is chaired by Olga Pozdnyakova.

Earlier reports said that DPR leader Denis Pushilin had supported the Donetsk Republic social movement’s initiative to declare 2019 the Year of the Russian Language. The social movement will carry out a series of events dedicated to the year-long cultural event.*jk