Donetsk, Oct 2 – DAN. The DPR public commission for recording Kiev’s war crimes in Donbass passed the materials on 34 cases covering nine people killed to the International Criminal Court this September, said the committee’s member Elena Shishkina.

"In September, the Public Commission passed to ICC prosecutors a body of evidence on 34 episodes of Ukrainian troops’ crimes against DPR population by which 54 people were affected; nine of them lost their lives, 41 sustained injuries of various degree, four minors were injured,” Shishkina told Donetsk News Agency on Monday.

The Commission has passed to ICC the information on 387 Donbass conflict victims since it began operation.

In August, DPR passed evidence on 25 cases, covering 16 deaths and 25 injured persons.

The public committee on recording Kiev forces war crimes was launched in mid-2015. Criminal and law experts aim to gather data on the crimes the Ukrainian armed forces committed in Donbass. The Special Committee on Ukrainian crimes has also been launched under DPR Head Alexander Zakharchenko order. *ot