Donetsk, Jun 18 - DAN. Ukrainian president Vladimir Zelensky’s refusal to hold direct talks with the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Lugansk People’s Republic shows the near-sightedness of new Kiev authorities, DPR Head Denis Pushilin said on Tuesday.

“We’re very disappointed with Vladimir Zelensky’s talking like former president Pyotr Poroshenko; alas, we cannot see a a difference,” Pushilin said. “His refusal to have direct dialogue with the Donbass Republics clearly shows the near-sighted policy of new Ukrainian authorities.”

“I’m confident that he (Zelensky) will realise at some point that changes cannot be achieved without changing the approach,” he added.

On Monday, Zelensky said after a meeting with the French president that Ukraine was not ready for direct dialogue with the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics.*jk