Donetsk, Dec 13 - DAN. Kiev shall not regain the control over the border between Russia and the Republics, as it does not comply with the Minsk Agreements, said DPR Head Denis Pushilin.

Ukrainian president Vladimir Zelensky earlier reiterated his determination to change the articles of the Minsk Agreements concerning the border control.

He said that the current text that envisages hand-over of the border control as the next step after local elections does not agree with Ukraine's present position.

"Another Zelensky's statement is at odds with the Agreements. Russian President Vladimir Putin has clearly indicated it. We have been talking about it. If the Ukrainian president is so ignorant we say it once again: Kiev is not going to control the border between Republics and Russia," Pushilin said.

He said that such statements betray Kiev's fear of opponents who are ready to prompt another Maidan-style unrest. It is the fear that pushes Zelensky into absurd, controversial talk.

"Until Ukraine commits to its obligations no efficient solution is possible. Zelensky just offsets the guarantor countries' efforts, shown both on December 9 and during the last five years."*ot