Donetsk, Nov 2 – DAN. Ukrainian forces have shelled frontline areas of the Donetsk People’s Republic 440 times over 24 hours, a senior military official said.

“Ukrainian gunmen violated the ceasefire 440 times,” DPR Operations Command deputy chief Eduard Basurin told a news briefing at the Donetsk News Agency.

“Kiev forces fired 51 artillery rounds (45 of them of 152mm caliber), 344 mortar rounds (167 of them of 120mm caliber), also using grenade launchers, IFV cannons and small arms,” Basurin said.

Ukrainian army units targeted Dokuchayevsk, Yasinovataya and neighbouring Spartak village, Zaitsevo, Shirokaya Balka villages outside Gorlovka, Sakhanka and Leninskoye in DPR south, Kominternovo in Novoazovskiy district, Elenovka southwest of Donetsk, Petrovskiy district in western and northern outskirts of Donetsk, Staromikhailovka and Aleksandrovka townships.

According to updated reports, seven residential buildings sustained damage in Novoazovskiy district and Trudovskie township west of Donetsk.

Earlier, a DPR defense source told DAN that Ukrainian forces had fired 238 artillery and mortar rounds at Donetsk, Gorlovka, Yasinovataya outskirts and southern DPR areas overnight. Preliminary reports showed four houses damaged