Donetsk, Nov 1 – DAN. Ukrainian forces fired 268 artillery and mortar rounds overnight at the outskirts of Donetsk and Yasinovataya and southern villages of the Donetsk People’s Republic, a DPR defence source told the Donetsk News Agency on Tuesday.

“Ukraine was shelling the industrial zone outside Yasinovataya from 19:00 through 02:00, Donetsk Airport area, Trudovskiye, Aleksandrovka, Staromikhailovka villages west of Donetsk, Spartak north of Donetsk and Sakhanka and Leninskoye in DPR south,” the source said. “These areas were targeted with 268 rounds of 122mm and 152 mm calibre and 82mm and 120mm mortar rounds.”

According to the DPR defence source, the Ukrainian army employed IFV cannons, grenade launchers and small arms beside heavy artillery and mortars.

No casualties or damage have been reported.