Donetsk, Nov 2 — DAN. Donetsk People’s Republic militiamen supported by the Russian army have destroyed one self-propelled howitzer, one tank and several armored vehicles of Ukrainian nationalists over the past 24 hours, DPR People’s Militia deputy commander Eduard Basurin said on Wednesday.

“In joint operations, DPR and Russian servicemen destroyed the following enemy materiel: one 2C1 ‘Gvozdika’ self-propelled howitzer, oneT-64BM tank, and six armored vehicles and cars, ” Basurin said.

Four enemy drones were shot down; Ukraine’s manpower losses amounted up to 40, he added. 

The special military operation in Ukraine and Donbass began on February 24, 2022. Its objective is to free territories occupied by the Kiev regime. As of now, the Russian Federation controls practically the whole Lugansk People’s Republic and large parts of the DPR and the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions.*jk