Donetsk, Aug 31 – DAN. The school ceasefire announced in Donbass will not prompt a lasting and comprehensive ceasefire at the contact line, said DPR envoy to the Minsk negotiations Denis Pushilin.

"The situation is complicated but not new. We witnessed a lethal incident in Dokuchayevsk on the eve of the ceasefire. Then a woman was wounded. We have learnt a realistic approach - no ceasefire will be secured by new truces."

He said he had hopes for the next meeting in Minsk on September 5.

"I hope that the next meeting in Minsk will have an effect on Ukraine."

The latest in a series of ceasefire agreements brokered by the Contact Group came into force in

Donbass on August 29 at 00:01 a.m. Kiev forces violated it three hours later shelling Golmovskoy north of Gorlovka.

Pushilin has repeatedly called for recommitments to ceasefire to secure stability and to focus on economic and political issues.*ot