Donetsk, Oct 16 - DAN. Kiev representatives in the Contact Group security subgroup have sabotaged the adoption of additional ceasefire control measures, the Donetsk People’s Republic Foreign Ministry press service said on Tuesday.

“The negotiators failed to finalise and agree a draft of additional measures to control the effective ceasefire,” the press service said. “Ukraine’s input lacks clear and specific mechanisms towards a strong and more stable truce.”

The Donetsk People’s Republic envoy to the Minsk talks Natalia Nikonorova said that Kiev’s proposals on additional measures were at odds with the Minsk-2 accords.

“The Ukrainian proposals deliberately used provocative wording that did not meet the letter of the Minsk Agreements, in order to force the Republics to reject their inclusion in the Package,” Nikonorova said.

DPR representatives in Minsk repeatedly stated that the parties had to adopt a package of new ceasefire control measures to ensure effective observation of the truce.*jk