Donetsk, Jul 1 – DAN. Ukrainian forces opened massive fire on western Donetsk on Wednesday morning to impede SMM patrol access to the mission's damaged observation camera, the DPR mission to the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination (JCCC) said.

The OSCE SMM filed requests for ceasefire in 15-km zone around the camera in western Donetsk to assess its condition. DPR confirmed security guarantees, while Ukraine did not.

"Ukrainian armed formations have been shelling the area since 8.55 a.m. using weapons banned under the Minsk Agreements – 120 mm and 82 mm mortars, grenade launchers and small arms. The access to the camera for SMM and JCCC is blocked by the shelling."

Ukrainian forces destroyed an SMM camera located in Shakhta Oktyabrskaya late on Tuesday. *ot