Donetsk, Aug 20 - DAN. The international community must immediately intervene and take measures to stop the terror unleashed by Ukrainian troops in Donbass, the Donetsk People’s Republic People’s Militia said in comments on Donetsk shelling on Tuesday morning.

Earlier reports said that the Kiev army had delivered a massive strike at Donetsk and its suburbs earlier in the day. The enemy used mortars, infantry fighting vehicle cannons, grenade launchers and small arms.

“We’re calling upon the international community to immediately intervene and take all measures to stop the Ukrainian gunmen’s terror against our Republic’s civilians before a tragedy happens,” the People’s Militia said adding that fire at the DPR territory was delivered by servicemen of 92nd, 56th and 24th Brigades commanded by war criminals Vladimir Kokorev, Igor Ivanov and Valery Gudz.

The People's Militia also noted Kiev’s disregard for the truce ahead of the new round of talks in Minsk.

The working groups and the Contact Group for a peaceful Donbass settlement are meeting in the Belarussian capital on August 21.*jk