Donetsk, Sep 10 - DAN. Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s statements about prisoner exchange prospects and the Donbass settlement cannot be trusted amid ongoing shelling, head of the Donetsk People’s Republic parliament committee on foreign policy, international relations, information policy and technology Vladislav Berdichevsky told the Donetsk News Agency on Tuesday.

On September 7, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky announced plans to exchange prisoners with the Peoples’ Republics, complete the disengagement of troops and ease tensions on the contact line.

“A day has hardly passed since Zelensky spoke these words, and again people get killed in Donbass, and houses are set on fire,” Berdichevsky said. “As long as permanent peace and ceasefire do not come to Donbass , we shouldn't hurry to believe Ukrainian politicians’ promises.”

As an example, he reminded about the fire in Yasinovataya which broke out after an anti-tank missile strike and the UXO explosion in the Spartak village near the Donetsk airport in which one woman was killed and another was seriously wounded. The incidents occurred last weekend.*jk