Donetsk, Mar 26 – DAN.  The Ukrainian People’s Tribunal for Poroshenko’s regime war crimes against Ukrainian citizens (UPT) has brought up charges against eight Poroshenko's regime officials at its first session taking place in Donetsk today, the chairwoman of the UPT Elena Shishkina, a lawyer from Donetsk, told DAN.

"The charges are pressed against eight people: Ukraine's president Petr Poroshenko, the minister of internal affairs Arsen Avakov, secretary of the national security and defense council of Ukraine Aleksandr Turchynov, prime minister Vladimir Groisman, commander-in-chief of the armed forces of Ukraine Viktor Muzhenko, defense minister Stepan Poltorak, chairman of the Verkhovnaya Rada Andrey Parubiy, ex-prime-minster Arseniy Yatsenyuk," the judge said.

The accused have not arrived in court, but that has not prevented the UPT from beginning its session, Shishkina said.

The Initiative Group of the People’s Tribunal for the crimes of Poroshenko and his clique against Ukrainian citizens held a constitutive meeting in Donetsk on March 20. It approved the Tribunal’s Charter and composition and announced the launching of the official website.

On March 15, the Initiative Group of Ukrainian citizens living in Donetsk and Lugansk announced the establishment of the Ukrainian People’s Tribunal for Poroshenko’s regime war crimes. It will review the crimes of high-ranking officials. The cases will be tried and files reviewed in accordance with the Ukrainian legislation and international law.*ot