Donetsk, Sep 4 - DAN. Ukrainian forces delivered a massive mortar strike at northern Gorlovka on Wednesday morning, the Donetsk People’s Republic Office at the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination reported.

“Today, from 05:45 to 06:35, Ukrainian forces shelled Gorlovka’s 6/7 Colliery neighbourhood with 120mm mortars,” the report said. “Ten rounds were fired.”

Later on, from 06:45 to 07:30, Ukrainian army units fired eleven 82mm mortar rounds at the Gagarin Colliery township in western Gorlovka, the JCCC added.  The Zaitsevo township came under fire as well.

Gorlovka town administration head Ivan Prikhodko said that in the morning shelling of the 6/7 Colliery neighbourhood, the garage at 3 Smirnova Street took a direct hit and house windows were damaged.*jk