Donetsk, Apr 29 – DAN. Two Ukrainian brigades opened fire on the DPR township during the Easter, or or Resurrection Sunday, said the head of the DPR People's Militia command press service Daniil Bezsonov.

"The fighters of the 79th brigade shelled Sakhanka and Leninskoye with ten 120 mm mortar rounds; the command to open fire was issued by the brigade commander Kurach.

The commander of the 57th brigade Mishanchuk ordered fire on the Donetsk airport area.

"The DPR retaliatory fire made the enemy stop shelling, one Ukrainian troop was killed, three injured," Bezsonov said.

Earlier reports said that Ukrainian armed formations violated the ceasefire five times in the past 24 hours.

The Orthodox Easter was celebrated on April 28, with Easter services being held in 185 churches of 44 townships and cities across the DPR. *ot