Donetsk, May 11 — DAN. Donbass residents have shown endurance in fighting Ukrainian Nazism, Donetsk People’s Republic Acting Head Denis Pushilin said in his Day of Republic greetings on Thursday.

“Dear fellow countrymen, I pride myself on each of you. The consolidation of Donbass residents helped us in 2014 to embark on the path of freedom fight to prevent Nazism from coming to our land, ” Pushilin said in a video address posted on his Telegram channel. “We’ll always defend our right to speak our native language and safekeep our culture, history and traditions.”

Despite many hardships, residents of the region have shown that they’re capable of resisting the enemy and fighting on the side of truth and justice. “We’re not alone now; our future is inseparably linked with Russia, the Russian World. Our victory is yet to be achieved; we’re facing much work in rebuilding the Republic, ” Pushilin said.

He expressed confidence that DPR residents were ready to work for the sake of Donbass’ revival, and wished his compatriots new achievements, well-being and victorious peace.

The DPR’s Day of Republic marks the self-determination referendum held by the former Donetsk region on May 11, 2014, which involved three-thirds of the local population. The plebiscite participants had to answer this question “Do you support the declaration of state independence of the Donetsk People’s Republic?” Nearly 90 percent supported DPR sovereignty. *jk