Donetsk, Jan 28 - DAN. Contradictions in political rhetoric have become the calling card of the post-Maidan Ukraine supported by Vladimir Zelensky, member of the Donetsk People’s Republic parliament committee on security and defence Alexander Kurenkov said on Tuesday.

On January 26, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky took part in the event marking the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp prisoners in Poland.  Zelensky stated that the international community had to consolidate to prevent any manifestations of anti-Semitism, xenophobia or racism.

“Contradictions in political rhetoric became the calling card of the post-Maidan Ukraine,” Kurenkov said. “It plagued (Petr) Poroshenko, and (Vladimir) Zelensky continued this sad tradition.”

“In this case, the president committed blasphemy as he made a speech at the event in Poland making the 75th anniversary of the liberation by the Soviet army of the Auschwitz-Birkenau prisoners and the International Holocaust Remembrance Day. You cannot simultaneously venerate the anti-Semite and executioner of Jews Stepan Bandera and condole with victims of German Nazism upon which he had waited,” he said.

The international community gradually begins to see clearly and realise the horribly inhuman ideological basis of the Kiev regime,” the DPR parliamentarian said.*jk