Donetsk, Feb 15 - DAN. DPR decided to pay one-time benefits to large families living in Kiev-held areas because Ukraine does not provide this kind of financial aid, acting DPR Labour and Social Policy Minister Larisa Tolstykina told a news briefing at Donetsk News Agency on Thursday.

Earlier reports said DPR Head Alexander Zakharchenko signed a degree on welfare payments for certain groups of residents living in Kiev-controlled parts of Donetsk Region, including large families.

“Ukrainian legislation does not envision monthly welfare payments to this group of citizens (large families - eds DAN) hence the decision to provide aid to them under the aegis of the humanitarian programme,” Tolstykina said adding that families with children deserved extra support and protection by the state.

DPR does not provide this kind of aid to its residents; it pays families with three or more children 1,000-ruble monthly allowances, she said.

Tolstykina said that Zakharchenko’s latest decree orders welfare payments to veterans of World War II and the Great Patriotic War, Leningrad siege survivors and persons awarded with medals For the Defence of Leningrad and For the Defence of Sevastopol. Ukrainian Insurgent Army and Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalist veterans are not eligible for payments.

“Assuredly, residents of our Republic will not be forgotten. DPR authorities will make one-time Victory Day payments to Great Patriotic War veterans permanently living in DPR. They will be paid the same amount as veterans living in Ukraine-controlled part of Donetsk Region.

War veterans and disabled persons are entitled to 12,000 rubles or 6,000 hryvnas and large families are paid 6,000 rubles or 3,000 hryvnas.*jk