Donetsk, Sep 24 - DAN. The blackout in the frontline Kominternovo village has entered the fourth week, the Donetsk People’s Republic Emergency Situations Ministry reported on Friday.

“The Kominternovo village has been partially de-energised after a lightning strike at electric substation No 110 at 14:40 on September 2,” the press service said adding that some 70 households remain without power.

Security guarantees are needed to carry out repairs, but Ukraine is reluctant to provide them.

A similar situation recently happened in the Staromikhailovka neighborhood in western Donetsk. A larger part of Staromikhailovka was left without electricity as it came under aimed fire from Ukrainian forces. After the strike, Kiev was in no hurry to provide security guarantees. Power to the neighborhood was only restored two weeks later. *jk