Donetsk, Dec 3 - DAN. The Donbass people will not allow the plans for the deportation of the region’s residents to be implemented, head of the Central Executive Committee of the Donetsk Republic social movement  Alexey Muratov told the Donetsk News Agency on Tuesday.

On Monday, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky said in an interview with the German magazine Spiegel that “there are people who are for Ukraine. There are also lost ones. And finally, there are those who are for Russia; let the latter leave.” On November 29, Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine Secretary Alexey Danilov told reporters that the NSDCU was working on five Donbass reintegration scenarios. He did not elaborate noting that all the scenarios would benefit Ukraine.

“Zelensky and his team can talk about Donbass reintegration all they want, but Donbass residents have already made their choice, and this choice is Russia,” Muratov said. “We are not awaiting “liberators or correctors,” and we’ll never forsake our native land sprayed with the blood of its defenders; we’ll never betray the historical memory and cultural values.”

He underlined that the official Kiev had better contribute to the implementation of the Minsk agreement and peaceful conflict settlement.*jk