Donetsk, Mar 17 - DAN. Ukrainian army units fired at Dokuchayevsk south of Donetsk on Tuesday morning, damaging oil refinery equipment, infrastructure facilities and dwelling houses, the Donetsk People’s Republic Office at the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination (JCCC) reported.

“At 06:45, Ukrainian armed formations in the Novotroitskoye settlement area fired 82mm mortars, large calibre machine guns and small arms towards Dokuchayevsk,” the report said. “In Dokuchayevsk, damage was caused to windows of the house at 91/7 Tsentralnaya Street and equipment of the oil refinery at 3A Industrialnaya Street.”

In the Yasnoye settlement in the suburbs of Dokuchayevsk, Ukrainian army strikes damaged the roof of the house at 6 Vinograndnaya Street and the door of the boiler house at 1B Lenin Street.

Earlier reports on Tuesday said that a gas pipe and a house had been damaged in Donetsk in shelling by Ukrainian forces. Ukrainian army units shelled the DPR with more than 50 rounds of ammunition over the past 24 hours.*jk