Donetsk, May 16 - DAN. A house in the Donetsk-Severniy township outside Yasinovataya was damaged in shelling by Kiev army units on Thursday morning, the Donetsk People’s Republic Office at the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination said.

“A house at 2 Prvokzalnaya Street in Donetsk-Severniy in Yasinovataya suburbs sustained shelling damage to roof,” a DPR officer said.

Fire was delivered at the area at around seven o’clock, local time, he added. The enemy used infantry fighting vehicle (BMP-2) cannons.

Earlier reports on Thursday said that Kiev forces shelled Donetsk axis settlements in the morning.

Four houses in DPR settlements on the Donetsk axis were damaged in shelling by Ukrainian forces over the past 24 hours.*jk