Donetsk, Oct 22 - DAN. Ukrainian forces shelled the Kominternovo village in the south of the Donetsk People’s Republic on Tuesday evening; a house is on fire, the DPR Office at the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination reported.

“Today, at 17:15, Ukrainian armed formations in the Talakovka area opened mortar fire at Kominternovo,” the report said. “The house at 34 Kirov Street took a direct hit and caught fire.”

The enemy fired ten 82mm mortar rounds at the village, the JCCC said. There were no civilian casualties, preliminary reports said.

Earlier reports said that Kiev forces delivered a massive strike at the Vasilyevka village outside Yasinovataya with mortars, infantry fighting vehicle cannons and small arms. Ukraine ignored the Donetsk representatives' repeated ceasefire demands.*jk