Donetsk, May 28 - DAN. Ukrainian armed formations shelled Donetsk outskirts on Tuesday morning; multiple damage to residential areas has been recorded, the Donetsk People’s Republic Office at the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination reported.

“Today, beginning from 5:00, Ukrainian nationalistic squads have used heavy weapons to deliver massed fire at the Republic’s territory on the Donetsk axis,” the report said. “Strikes were delivered at the Alexandrovka, Trudovskaya Colliery and Vasilyevka neighbourhoods.”

More than 40 120mm and 82mm mortar rounds were fired. Four houses in Alexandrovka and Trudovskaya Colliery sustained damage.

The Vasilyevka pumping station area also came under fire. “The personnel had to hide in a shelter because of the threat to life and health,” the JCCC said.

Donetsk representatives at the JCCC urged Ukraine to ensure a stable ceasefire.

Overnight to Tuesday, Gorlovka administration head Ivan Prikhodko said that an elderly woman had been wounded in  an unmanned aerial vehicle attack at the Nikitovskiy district.*jk