Donetsk, May 7 - DAN. Five civilians including two children were wounded as Ukrainian forces shelled the Sakhanka village in the Donetsk People’s Republic southern Novoazovskiy district on Thursday, the DPR Office at the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination reported.

“Five civilians, including two teenagers were wounded in the shelling,” the report said.

“The boy and the girl are both aged 14. The boy suffered fractures of two bones in the lower leg, right elbow fracture and shrapnel wounds to the left shin and foot.  The girl suffered a non-penetrating wound to the left temple, concussion and left thigh abrasions,” the JCCC said.

A man, aged 49, was wounded in the lumbar region, another man, aged 44, had multiple wounds to the chest, and a 43-year-old woman suffered concussion.

The victims were rushed to Novoazovsk Central District Hospital and given first aid. Later on, some of them were transferred to Donetsk’s Republican Trauma Hospital.

It is the second incident this week in which children got wounded in Ukrainian strikes. On May 4, three children were wounded in the Alexandrovka settlement in western Donetsk.*jk