Donetsk, Jul 10 – DAN. The DPR shall bring up the issue of kidnapping of the Republican air defense ex-commander by the Ukrainian special services at the Minsk talks, said DPR Ombudswoman Daria Morozova.

“I shall raise the issue of the kidnapping of Vladimir Tsemakh at the next meeting in Minsk,” she said.

Morozova called on the international community to pay attention to this incident and to exercise pressure on Kiev to prevent the deterioration of human rights situation.

The DPR Ombudsperson’s Office has been alerted on the detention of a DPR resident by the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU). The DPR Head Denis Pushilin said that apparently Ukrainian security service agents abducted former DPR air defence commander in the town of Snezhny to falsify the circumstances of the Malaysian Boeing crash in 2014.

Five years ago 298 people died when a surface-to-air missile hit the Boeing 777 at cruising altitude. Russia was immediately blamed for the catastrophe even before first investigators reached the scene. Moscow has been denying charges as subsequent investigation revealed that the missile had been launched from the Kiev-controlled territory. This year Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad expressed his doubt over accusations of Russia as “there was not enough evidence to pin the tragedy on Moscow”.*ot