Donetsk, Mar 26 - DAN. A Donetsk People’s Republic militiaman was killed as Ukrainian armed formations shelled the Dolomitnoye neighbourhood in the outskirts of Gorlovka, DPR People’s Militia spokesman Daniil Bezsonov said on Tuesday.

“Despite the truce, Ukrainian gunmen continue to fire at People’s Militia positions ahead of the new round of talks in Minsk,” Bezsonov said. “Today, at 14:00, the enemy was delivering intensive sniper fire from the Kiev-controlled Novoluganskoye settlement at our positions off Dolomitnoye.”

He added that gunmen of Ukrainian army 30th Separate Mechanised Brigade commanded by Ivan Garaz shelled the area with 120mm mortars.

“The People’s Militia suffered losses as the treacherous enemy strike left one militiaman dead. We convey our heartfelt condolences to his family,” the spokesman said.

The Ukrainian sniper was killed in return fire opened by DPR militiamen with the weapons which are not prohibited by the Minsk Agreements.*jk*pp