Donetsk, Jul 16 - DAN. Supporters of the Donetsk People’s Republic largest public action “Donbass Choice,” backed by one million residents of the region, said at the rally in central Donetsk on Tuesday that they would send messages to world leaders.

The initiator is Donbass Choice activist Sergey Yarosh. “A million people have signed the appeal for  peace and justice; dozens of million support us. Let the people’s demand be known all over the world. Let us write to world leaders showing the way to peace in Donbass and send a copy to the Ukrainian president,” Yarosh said. “Zhenya (he asked addressing his colleague Yevgenia Tertychnaya - eds Donetsk News Agency) will you do it?”

Rally participants then began to chant the initiator’s name. “Let it be a new challege to everybody. We have a million supporters and we shall win,” Tertychnaya replied to the applause.

No more details about the content of the message were immediately available.

The Donbass Choice public action began in May. Its participants demand that Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky give a special status to Donbass, stop strikes at the Republics’ territory resume the payment of pensions to residents and recognise their right to integration with Russia etc. Residents can sign the petition on the action website and make social media posts hashtagged “ZelenskyRecogniseDonbassChoice.” *jk