Donetsk, May 7 - DAN. Ukrainian forces on Tuesday morning fired an underbarrel grenade launcher at the bus carrying Donetsk Water Treatment Plant (DFS) workers, head of the Donetsk People’s Republic Office at the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination Ruslan Yakubov said.

“Today, at 09:47, a bus with DFS shift workers driving on the H-20 motorway towards the station came under Ukrainian armed formations grenade launcher fire,” Yakubov said.

Fire was delivered from Ukrainian dug-outs west of the motorway, he added.

An underbarrel grenade launcher was employed. A grenade exploded near the bus. There were no casualties, according to the JCCC.

“Also, Ukrainian armed formations delivered grenade launcher and sniper fire at the Vasilyevka pumping station area. Shift workers are currently unable to reach the facility; the station personnel is in the shelter,” Yakubov said.

Earlier reports said that Kiev forces had violated the ceasefire ten times over the past 24 hours firing nearly 60 rounds at the DPR.*jk