Donetsk, Sep 26 - DAN. Residents of Kiev-held areas have given birth to 54 babies in the Donetsk People’s Republic since it launched the Donbass people reunification humanitarian programme earlier this year, Donetsk Republican Centre for Maternal and Child Health Centre obstetrician-gynaecologist Alexander Petrov said on Tuesday.
“We actively use the equipment we received thanks to DPR Health Care Ministry,” Petrov said. “Fifty-four babies have been born since the humanitarian programme was launched.”
Sixteen women from Kiev-controlled territory of Donetsk Region are now on the Centre’s obstetric aid waiting list, he added.
“They have more skilled doctors here, new equipment and good testimonials, so when had to consider birth locations, my husband and I unanimously decided on delivery in DPR,” the Health Ministry press service quoted a patient from Kiev-held town of Dimitrov as saying.
On February 17, DPR and LPR Heads Alexander Zakharchenko and Igor Plotnitskiy launched the Donbass people reunification programme. The main goal of the programme is to support socially vulnerable groups. The health care segment of the programme envisions medical assistance in seven fields including obstetrics, chemotherapy and prosthetics.*jk