Donetsk, Jul 7 — DAN. Twenty-seven children accompanied by 13 adults have left for a two-week rehabilitation course at a Yevpatoriya health center in Crimea, Donetsk People’s Republic ombudsperson Darya Morozova said on Friday.

“They will rehabilitate at the ‘Zdravnitsa’ state-owned facility for children and parents, ” Morozova said. “Doctors select individual therapy for each young patient who will also enjoy entertainment programs and active recreation.”

The first group of children has already taken a rehabilitation course and is returning home. The Strana 7ya autonomous non-profit organization has covered all the logistic and voucher costs, she said.

“Judging by the photos they shared and their emotional testimonies, they have had a good time. Attentive medical personnel, curative nature and a change of place have helped restor their physical and emotional health,” the ombudsperson said.

“Zdravnitsa” is located in an environmentally friendly spa zone of Yevpatoriya just 300 meters from the sea. Its treatment methods are based on unique nature factors and include climato- and mud therapy.*jk