Donetsk, Sep 8 - Donbass residents will prove their belonging to Russia to the international community by voting in the Russian parliamentary election, Donetsk People’s Republic Head Denis Pushilin said at a forum of the United Russia party supporters in Donetsk.

“We’ve all dreamed of becoming a part of Russia, and today, we’ve moved much closer to our greater Motherland. In the near future, we’ll have the opportunity to prove that we are of Russia indeed, and our participation in the election to the State Duma is a key point in Donbass’ integration into Russian politics. It is a declaration for the whole world. There are Russian citizens living in Donbass,” the DPR leader said.

The head of state expressed gratitude to those who sincerely believe in greater Motherland and is doing everything towards its prosperity.

Earlier reports on Wednesday said that a forum of United Russia party supporters had begun in Donetsk.*jk