Donetsk, Dec 23 - DAN. The 105th humanitarian aid convoy of the Russian Emergency Situations Ministry (EMERCÖM) arrived in Donetsk on Thursday, the Donetsk People’s Republic Emergencies Ministry press service told the Donetsk News Agency.

“Humanitarian cargo from Russia has arrived in the DPR; it is being unloaded; the cargo contains medical products,” a press service representative said.

The unloading operation will take about three hours, the DPR Healthcare Ministry told DAN.

Earlier reports said that EMERCOM trucks would deliver more than 97 tons of goods including medications and medical products and equipment.

Russia last sent relief supplies in November. Back then, it delivered to the DPR a vaccine against the coronavirus infection, magnetic resonance imaging machines, cardiographs, an X-ray machine and immunobiologicals for diagnostics.*jk