Donetsk, Jul 6 - DAN. Ukraine has derailed 70 percent of sessions of the political subgroup since it was set up (in 2015 - eds Donetsk News Agency), Donetsk People’s Republic representative in the Contact Group political subgroup Natalia Mikhailova said.
Earlier reports said that the Kiev delegation unilaterally left the political subgroup session on Tuesday.
“We note that this (derailing – eds DAN) happens entirely through the fault of Ukraine which has disrupted 70 percent of sessions over six years and four months of the subgroup’s operation,” Mikhailova said. “This means that four years and four months were blocked under absolutely far-fetched reasons.”
The political subgroup has met more than 150 times over these years, the DPR Foreign Ministry said.
The Contact Group subgroups on security, political, economic and humanitarian issues have operated since May 2015. Their establishment was one of the requirements of the Package of Measures for the Implementation of the Minsk Agreements.*jk