Donetsk, Mar 22 - DAN. The detention of Nadezhda Savchenko in Ukraine has nothing to do with the Donetsk People’s Republic, DPR Head Alexander Zakharchenko told reporters on Thursday.

“It’s Ukraine’s internal affair that has nothing to do with us,” Zakharchenko said.

Earlier on Thursday, Ukraine’s Verkhovnaya Rada (parliament) voted for stripping deputy Nadezhda Savchenko of lawmaker’s immunity and having her placed under arrest.

Two hundred and sixty-eight parliamentarians voted for the decision. Savchenko was detained in the session hall; she is accused of preparing a terrorist attack and collaborating with the DPR.

Savchenko is a former Ukrainian solider who took part in the punitive operation in Donbass. She was convicted in Russia for the murder of Russian journalists. Savchenko has been a Ukrainian MP since 2016.*jk