Donetsk, Jan 18 - DAN. The Contact Group political subgroup at its meeting in Minsk on Thursday will discuss a middle course to enforce the Donbass special status law, the DPR Foreign Ministry press service told Donetsk News Agency.

“The key issue at today’s meeting in Minsk is a compromise in enforcing the law on special status of Donbass,” the press service said.

Throughout last week, Ukrainian representatives in the political subgroup made all efforts to stall the discussion of the issue despite the fact that it topped the agenda of nearly all Minsk meetings. DPR repeatedly stated that it would insist on Kiev’s enacting the Donbass special status law.

On 6 October 2017, Ukraine’s Verkhovnaya Rada (parliament) extended the operation of the legislation on special status of Donbass which had never been applied contrary to the Minsk Agreements. *jk