Donetsk, Oct 4 – DAN. Ukraine should remember that it is necessary to coordinate the Donbass special status law with the DPR and LPR, said Centre for Current Politics director Alexey Chesnakov said.

“The statement of Bogdan Yaremenko, head of the Verkhovnaya Rada foreign policy committee, on the necessity to coordinate the final text of the law with Russia is a serious step, but only the first one on the right path,” the Russian TASS news agency quoted him as saying.

Chesnakov said that Kiev has also to harmonize other legal acts, arising from the special status law, and corresponding changes to the Constitution with Donetsk and Lugansk.

The Contact Group signed the Steinmeier's formula mapping the way to a peaceful settlement on October 1 in Minsk thus acknowledging the Republics' right for self-determination. *ot