Donetsk, July 21 - DAN. Ukrainian armed formations violated the ceasefire five times over the past 24 hours, the Donetsk People’s Republic Office at the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination reported on Tuesday.

“Over the past 24 hours, Ukrainian forces violated the ceasefire five times expending 32 rounds of ammunition,” the report said.

The enemy used 82mm and 120mm mortars, grenade launchers and high calibre small arms. The amount of expended ammunition of calibre up to 12.7mm is not added to overall daily statistics.

Strikes were delivered at the Vasilyevka village and Shakha Oktyabrskaya settlement areas on the Donetsk axis and the Shirokaya Balka and Shakhta 6/7 settlements on the Gorlovka axis.

Reports on Monday said that Ukrainian army units had shelled the Vasilyevka pumping station area; the personnel had to hide in a shelter. Update reports said that Ukrainian fire had destroyed the roof and frontage of the house at 4 Zabaikalskaya Street in Gorlovka.

In the previous reporting period, Ukrainian forces violated the ceasefire four times firing more than 30 rounds of ammunition at DPR areas.*jk